

A Study on the Enhanced Congestion Control Mechanism for Multimedia Traffic in Sensor Networks



Modern network sensors can gather multimedia data as well as scalar data. And these sensors compose WMSN. Wireless multimedia sensor network is sensitive to latency. Also, it transfers mass multimedia data of various forms. This thesis proposes a routing technique based on traffic priority in order to improve the multimedia data transfer by minimizing latency. In addition, it proposes a congestion control mechanism that uses packet service time, packet inter-arrival time, buffer usage, etc. In this thesis, we verified the reduction of packet latency by the priority of a packet as a consequence of performance analysis through simulation method. Also, we confirmed that the proposed mechanism maintained a reliable network state by preventing packet loss due to network overload.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Studies
 3. Proposal of Congestion Control Algorithm
  3.1. Priority Marking in Accordance with Traffic Characteristics
  3.2. Congestion Control Technique Based on Traffic Priority
  3.3. Congestion Control Algorithm
 4. Analysis of Simulation Result
  4.1. Configuration of Simulation
  4.2. Environment of Simulation
  4.3. Analysis of Simulation Result
 5. Conclusion


  • Jeong-Hyeon Park Department of Multimedia Engineering, Sunchon National University, Korea
  • Jun-Hyoung Kim Department of Multimedia Engineering, Sunchon National University, Korea
  • Sung-Keun Lee Department of Multimedia Engineering, Sunchon National University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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