

The Use of Enterprise Architecture Framework for Improving Service Quality (Case Study ABC State Attorney)



Public service is a basic need that should be fulfilled by the government, particularly in legal services. The purpose of this research is to analyze the service strategy management information system at the State Attorney of ABC, also to give suggestion for system improvement, in order to achieve a good service quality. The method used in this research is the Enterprise Architecture framework, which is by analyzed current system design, and then being compared to the problems that have become obstacles in organizational process, and finally suggestion made to improve the service quality. The conclusions are current system at the State Attorney of ABC is not yet integrated, nor it has any control over the duration of each case processing, so it still common cause the delays and lack of service quality to the community are not uncommon. The result of this research is the proposed service strategy and process which is indicates that by using the integrated management information systems, the service at State Attorney of ABC would be better, so as to improve the quality of services that provided.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
 3. Analysis of Current and Future System
 4. Conclusion
 Appendix 1. Current System
 Appendix 2. Future System


  • Sevenpri Candra Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
  • Frisa Erika Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
  • Hudiarto Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia


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