

Surface Affected Character Analysis based on Field Characteristic Parameter



Surface affected layer characteristic is an important index to check machined surface integrity, which has great influence on work piece fatigue and wear resistance. Based on the definition of four filed characteristics parameters-filed gradient, field impact depth, filed mean value and field peak value, the combination of quantitative and qualitative description of high-speed milling process physical field is realized. According to finite element analysis method, characteristic parameters of stress filed and temperature filed in the process of hardened steel high-speed milling are calculated, and the field characteristic parameters changing regulation under different cutting parameters is analyzed. Based on micro hardness experiment results of the surface layer and sub surface layer materials of machined surface obtained from experiment and the surface residual stress distribution obtained from data simulation, surface affected layer character, such as residual stress and hardness changing, forming mechanism and altering regulation is discovered based on filed characteristic parameter analysis. The results show that the residual stress along the depth direction is compression stress, the stress field peak value and the temperature field gradient have greatest influence on residual stress among these filed characteristic parameters; stress field peak value can be used as the symbol of strain rate hardening, which is the main factors affecting pieces hardening along the layer depth direction.


 1. Introduction
 2. Filed Characteristic Parameter Definition
 3. Thermal Distribution Simulation of Hardened Steel High Speed Milling Process
  3.1. Finite Element Model Establishment and Technology Parameters Setting
  3.2. Stress Field Character Analysis based on Field Characteristic Parameters
  3.3. Temperature Character Analysis based on Field Characteristic Parameters
 4. Thermal Characteristics Analysis on Residual Stress of Hardened Steel in High Speed Cutting
  4.1. Residual Stress Simulation of Hardened Steel in High Speed Cutting
  4.2. Residual Stress Distribution Analysis based on Field Characteristics Parameters
 5. Thermal Characteristics Analysis of Work Hardening
  5.1. Micro Hardness Testing and Test Results of High-Speed Milling of Hardened Steel
  5.2. Work Hardening Distribution Analysis based on Field Characteristic Parameters
 6. Conclusions


  • Zhang Wei School of Mechanical Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin
  • Wu Tong School of Mechanical Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin
  • Cheng Xiaoliang School of Mechanical Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin


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