

A study of Ultrasonic guided wave NDT Technique based on PEEK rod



The ultrasonic buffer rod used for polymer testing under the high temperature, not only needs high transmission ultrasound characteristic of SNR, but also low acoustic attenuation, high temperature and strong mechanical properties etc are needed. The role PEEK rod plays in this paper is transmitting ultrasonic guided waves and temperature buffer, so the design of PEEK rod is the key. Through the experimental analysis, the SNR with different diameter and length is gave, and the effect on the ultrasonic characteristics of echo signal is also presented, in order to ensure the high SNR. The conclusions provide a theoretical basis for NDT.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Effect on Buffer Rod Material to the Propagation of Ultrasonic Guided Wave
 3. The SNR of PEEK Buffer Rod with Different Diameter and Length
 4. The Design of Buffer Rod with Different Specifications
 5. The Test of Temperature Properties for Buffer Rod
 6. Conclusions


  • Yang Hu National Key Laboratory For Electronic Measurement Technology, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051,China
  • Ma Wenliang Inner Mongolia First Machinery Group Corporation, Baotou 014030, China
  • Wang Zhaoba National Key Laboratory For Electronic Measurement Technology, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051,China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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