

Best Moments Magnetotactic Bacteria Algorithm for Optimization



Magnetotactic bacteria optimization algorithm(MBOA) is an optimization algorithm based on the characteristics of magnetotactic bacteria, which is a kind of polyphyletic group of prokaryotes with the characteristics of magnetotaxis that make them orient and swim along geomagnetic field lines. In this paper, an improved MBOA is proposed. At first, it generates moments based on the interaction energy of cells. Then, the moments of cells are regulated based on the best cell. Some cells have chance to move towards the best one. At last, some worse cells will be replaced by randomly generated solutions in order to keep diversity. Thus, it can find optimum solution. It is tested on ten standard function problems and compared with many popular optimization algorithms, including CLPSO, LeDE and ABC. Experiment results show that the improved MBOA is very effective in optimization problems and has superior performance to the compared methods on many benchmark functions.


 1. Introduction
 2. Magnetotactic Bacteria Optimization Algorithm Based on Best Moments
  2.1. Biological Basis
  2.2. Procedures of MBOA
 3. Simulation Results
  3.1. Benchmark Functions and Experiments Settings
  3.2. Comparison Results
 4. Conclusion


  • Ce Yang Naval Academy of Armament
  • Zhaofeng Chen Naval Academy of Armament


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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