

Optimization of Edge Server Selection Technique using Local Server and System Manager in content delivery network



Cloud Computing is a distributing computing technology which is used as pay per use basis. Now a day’s Cloud Computing is the most reputed topic due to its ability to offer guaranteed quality of service atmosphere, dynamic IT infrastructures, and conFigureurable software services. But many users could not satisfy on cloud services completely due to their uncovering security purpose for handling large numbers of data. Even the network becomes uncontrollable, when large numbers of user’s request to the server create network congestion and data losses vigorously. Content Delivery Network OR CDN is an eminent solution of this problem. Our objective is to create local and global server and connect the global server to system manager, which is worked over Content Delivery Network to deliver and direct the user request to the nearest global edge server except local server and establish the connection between them and transfer the respective content. For optimization of edge selection process and reduce the load over content delivery network we approach local server concept in this paper.


 1. Introduction
  1.1. Related Works
 2. Proposed Work
  2.1. Find the Euclidean Distance for Finding the Distance of Different Edge Server from Client
  2.2. After Finding the Distance from Client to Different Edge Server We Use Dijsktra Algorithm for Finding Shortest Distance Edge Server Is As Follows
  2.3. Most Frequently Used Algorithm
  2.4. System Manager
  2.5. Calculating Throughput from Sender to Receiver in the Network
  2.6. Algorithm for Selecting Edge Server for a Particular CDN
 3. Practical Example with Result Analysis
  3.1. Result Analysis
 4. Conclusion and Future scope


  • Debabrata Sarddar Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, India
  • Enakshmi Nandi Ph.D. Student, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, India


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