

Modularizing Legacy System through an Improved Bunch Clustering Method in Cloud Migration



As a new service mode in cloud computing, SaaS (software as a service) brings many attractive advantages. Legacy systems can be revived through being reengineered to SaaS. In order to achieve reengineering, the analysis and understanding to legacy systems are essential. For this goal, an improved Bunch clustering system is proposed to implement automatic modularization to object-oriented software systems so as to help engineer understand legacy system, including introduction of modular dependency graph with relationship type information, adaptation to initial partition and adjustment to modularization quality. The experiment results show that the improvement of Bunch clustering system is effective. The improved Bunch clustering system can make the clustering results more stable and consistent to the benchmarks.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Improving Bunch Clustering Methods
 4. Prototype Tool and Improvement Evaluation
  4.1. Prototype Tool
  4.2. Evaluation by GeoScope
  4.3. Evaluation Summary
 5. Conclusions


  • Junfeng Zhao College of Computer Science Inner Mongolia University
  • Jiantao Zhou College of Computer Science Inner Mongolia University
  • Hongji Yang Centre for Creative Computing Bath Spa University Bath, England


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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