

Parametric Design and Efficiency Analysis of the Output-Pin-Wheel Cycloid Transmission




By analyzing the shortcomings of various types of cycloid drives, a kind of drive was innovated, which was named as output-pin-wheel cycloid drive. Using the pin-wheel as output part is the biggest different of this kind of drive compared with traditional cycloid reducer. The construction of reducer was redesigned for its specific transmission structure, and corresponding structures and dimensions of parts were designed by analyzing their working principles and design methods. In order to validate the working performance of this drive and check assembly relations of parts, three-dimensional solid models and its assembly model were built. It was done that the force analysis of input shaft and output shaft. The strength calculations and finite element analysis of transmission parts were calculated also. We analyzed the method of efficiency calculation and derived the calculation equations.


 1. Introduction
 2. Parametric Design
  2.1. Structure Design
  2.2. Parametric Design
  2.3. 3D Computer Aided Design
 3. Force Analysis and Calculations of Strength
  3.1. Force Analysis and Strength Calculations of Cycloidal Gears
  3.2. Force Analysis of Crank Shaft
  3.3. Force Analysis of Output Shaft
 4. Efficiency Analysis
  4.1. Generic Calculating Method of Planetary Trains Efficiency
  4.2. Meshing Efficiency ηc
  4.3. Calculation Example
 5. Conclusions


  • Junhua Bao Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian Jiaotong University
  • Weidong He Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian Jiaotong University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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