

작약(芍藥) 유전자 감별을 위한 psbA-trnH 부위 염기서열 분석 및 Marker Nucleotide 발굴


Identification of Marker Nucleotides for the Molecular Authentication of Paeoniae Radix Based on the Analysis of psbA-trnH Sequences

김욱진, 지윤의, 문병철

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose : The original plant species of Paeoniae Radix is differentially described in the national pharmacopoeia of Korea, China and Japan. To develop the reliable method for the authentication of four Paeonia species, P. lactiflora, P. japonica, Paeonia veitchii and P. suffruticosa, we analyzed psbA-trnH DNA barcode region and identified species-specific marker nucleotides. Materials and Methods : Plant materials were collected from different geographic regions in Korea and China, and psbA-trnH DNA barcode region were amplified using psbA3-f and trnHf-05 primer set. The DNA sequences were analyzed and aligned using the Bio-Edit program. The multiple alignment of each samples were also analyzed with the Bio-Edit program in order to calculate the genetic distance among the samples using unweight pair group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) anlysis. Results : PCR amplification rate of 12 samples used in this study were 100% for psbA- trnH region. In comparison of psbA-trnH sequences among four Paeonia species, we identified 1, 2, 2, and 16 species specific nucleotides enough to distinguish each species, respectively. These species-specific sequences could provide useful genetic marker nucleotides to discriminate the precise species among the analyzed four Paeonia species. Conclusion : We analyzed psbA-trnH region to confirm the availability of molecular authentication for Paeoninae Radix on species levels using four Paeonia species. As a result, we amplified PCR products of psbA-trnH region from all of the 12 samples and obtained total 21 marker nucleotides enough to distinguish each four Paeonia species. These marker nucleotides are useful genetic tool for the standardization of Paeonae Radix.


 재료 및 방법
  1. 실험재료
  2. DNA 추출 및 정량
  3. psbA-trnH 부위 PCR 증폭
  4. 염기서열 분석
  5. Marker nuclotide 탐색 및 종간 유연관계 분석
 결과 및 고찰
 감사의 글


  • 김욱진 Kim Wookjin. 한국한의학연구원 K-herb연구단
  • 지윤의 Ji Yunui. 한국한의학연구원 K-herb연구단
  • 문병철 Moon Byeongcheol. 한국한의학연구원 K-herb연구단


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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