

『황금전설』 프랑스어 번역사 연구 시론


An Essay Towards a Description of French Translation history of Legenda aurea

김준한, 김지은

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this study is to address issues in French translations of Legenda aurea, compilation of medieval hagiographies by Jacobus de Voragine. Legenda aurea was a medieval bestseller of which more than a thousand manuscripts have survived. In addition, it overtook and eclipsed the earlier compilations of Jean de Mailly and Bartholomew of Trent. Jacobus de Voragine, also called Giacomo da Varazze or Jacopo da Varazze, intended to cumulate the hagiographic knowledge of his time in his works, especially the facts officially recognized by the ecclesiastical authorities, and his objective was to provide priests with an instrument that can facilitate their task of preparing sermons. With a recent achievement in the research and translation of Legenda aurea, we got the essential materials to this research, for we have now a modern and complete French translation and two modern latin critical editions elaborated with meticulous philological method. As to the medieval French translations of Jaobus' compilation, the focus so far has been set on Jean de Vignay's translation and the revised edition by Jean Batallier. It should be considered the main theme in the future, I think, that a comparative analysis between the translation of Jean de Vignay and that of Jean Belet that should have received attention. Also, it will be a very interesting subject of inquiry in translation studies to research the relation between Legenda aurea and the 15th century mystery plays.


 1. 머리말
 2. 야코부스 데 보라기네
  2.1. 저자명의 표기
  2.2. 생애
  2.3. 저자 혹은 편집자
 3. 『황금전설』
  3.1. 제목 번역의 문제
  3.2. 『황금전설』의 작품 구성
 4. 『황금전설』정본과 번역의 문제
  4.1. 비판정본의 문제
  4.2. 프랑스어 번역의 문제
  4.3. 중세 프랑스어 번역
 5. 맺음말


  • 김준한 Kim, Jun-Han. 고려대학교
  • 김지은 Kim, Ji-Eun. 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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