Noun-verb pairs in Korean Sign Language
This paper aims to investigate morphologicalcharacteristics distinguishing nouns and verbs in the noun-verb pairs that aresemantically and morphologically related. The number of words analyzed in thispaper are 561 nouns and 434 verbs. The criteria that distinguish the nouns andverbs were: 1) number of movements, 2) the existence or nonexistence ofmouthing, 3) distribution. For movements verbs are produced as single movementand slow movement. The findings of verbs are consistent with those of previousstudies. Also, Nouns were produced as single movement and totalling at highfrequency. The nouns differed in that for other sign languages, nouns wereproduced with repetition movement. The mouthings accompanied the productionof 50% of the nouns, and 12% of the verbs. The nouns had mouthings muchmore often rather than the verbs. The distribution became an important criterionwhen the mouthing was not accompanied or when it was difficult to discriminatebetween nouns and verbs just depending on the number of movements. Withthe nouns, the distribution was the second criterion, with the first criterion beingthe mouthing. With the verbs, the distribution was the second criterion followingthe number of movements. Finally, we suggest the duration of movement ofverbs is related to the aspectual meaning of the verbs.
1. 서론
2. 선행연구
2.1. 수동의 횟수와 방식
2.2. 수동의 지속시간
2.3. 입모양
2.4. 수동의 크기
2.5. 분포
3. 연구방법
3.1. 유도 자료의 범위
3.2. 유도 자료 수집
4. 연구결과
4.1. 수동의 횟수와 방식
4.2. 수동의 지속 시간
4.3. 입모양
4.4. 분포
4.5. 기타
5. 논의 및 결론