A Study on the Characteristics of Supporting the Oemokdori in Gongpo of Dapo Style Buddhist Halls
This study aims to verify the correlation between the change of bracket structure and changes in overall size focusing on the meaning of vertical expansion of Dapo style Buddhist hall’s bracket structure in Joseon era. At the same time, by analyzing the features and structuring method, it classifies styles. Then, verifies the root cause of changes through comparative analysis. 1. The study analyzed the different styles of Dapo style Buddhist halls by analyzing the cross section of bracket structure at top part of pillars. Classifying by time, it was found that it is not a specific trend in certain era but modifications were made when required. 2. From the observation into heights of each structure of each style, Sal-mi bracket arm type appeared to have the highest average height of bracket and this is likely to be coming from the difference in the number of Je-gong. 3. Looking into the size and Chulmok interval depending on number of Chulmok of ‘Dapo’ style Buddhist halls, different Chulmok intervals were observed even from the buildings with same number of Chulmok. This study, to clarify the features of Dapo style architecture in Joseon era, verifies the correlation between the change of bracket sets and changes in overall size focusing on the meaning of vertical expansion of bracket structure, and can be a basic data for reference when designing Dapo style Buddhist halls.
1. 서론
1.1 연구 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구 대상 및 방법
1.3 선행연구고찰
2. 다포불전 공포의 외목도리 지지 방식
2.1 외목도리의 지지 유형
2.2 시기별 외목도리의 지지 방식
3. 외목도리 지지와 출목
3.1 출목수
3.2 출목수별 처마내밀기와 출목간격
4. 결론