

데스틸의 보편주의 종교철학 관념과 근대 창조성-예술에 관한 연구


A Study on the Religious Philosophical Idea of De Stijl’s Universalism and Modern Creativity-Art


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Even not only in the pictorial concepts of Neoplasticism but also in De Stijl group in Nederland was exposed definitely the search for the universality as such a unity of the opposites in Russian Suprematism and Constructivism. That is to say, the quality of universal thoughts in Neoplasticism had a common ground with Russia, as well as had greatly influenced on the Neoplasticists and Destijl architects, particularly including such case as Van Doesburg in case of materialism. Thus, this study treats it in central these three issues; Orientalism, Universalism, and Froebelianism, which are intimate. Importantly here, through a research on the universal religious philosophy in all three objects, as keeping a quality not of Pantheism but of Panentheism, this study deepens the understanding on the adventure of Creativity-art in modernity. To sum up, when an abstract idea proceeded to take a form, the ideological consideration that Neoplasticists have was a dialectical, which interpretation of the individual and the universal makes the abstract idea progress at first into a representation of two-dimensional pictures, finally into the architecture of modernity as the existential ideas of four-dimensional space beyond three dimensions. In a word, although De Stijl‘s search for a new style as ideo-plastic unity is a process of the existential struggle toward the universal immanent in the individual, however, the universal that they found by deconstructing the particular is conversely come to be a new particular: namely, on such struggles is based the very religious philosophical thoughts of the existential panentheism.


 1. 서론
 2. 보편주의와 범재신론의 종교철학 관념
  2.1. 신지학과 동양에 대한 탐구
  2.2. 보편 ‘스타일’의 종교철학적 관념
  2.3. 프뢰벨의 보편주의 내재신론 교육사상
 3. 데스틸의 관념-조형과 창조성
  3.1. 근대 새로운 자유의지와 창조성-예술
  3.2. 근대 휴머니티의 실존주의적 사상
 4. 결론


  • 오장환 OH, Zhang-Huan. 부경대학교 건축학부 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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