

부산시 도시형 생활주택의 입지 및 개발특성에 관한 연구


A Study on the Location and Development Characteristics of the Urban-type Housing in Busan

성도재, 이광국

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research aims at analyzing the location and development characteristics of the urban-type housing in case of Busan, deducting implications, and being used as the data base for future location and supply policies of small-sized houses. As for the analysis methods, 2,703 cases of data in which licensing was applied in 16 districts from May, 2009, to the end of December, 2014, when the urban-type housing system was introduced were collected, and entered into Excel and GIS, and then the input data was separately categorized into the shape file of GIS, marked on the map, and analyzed in each case. As the analysis results into the location and development characteristics, first, the supply of the urban- type housing was analyzed to be the biggest in the second class of general residential area as for the number of application, and in the general commercial area as for the number of households, so it was proved that the supply was bigger in the center of employment with a high floor area ratio. Second, with regard to the accessibility, that is, ‘use of convenient public transportation’ and ‘proximity to workplace or school’, the number of supply in the stations sphere of influence was bigger than that in the areas around a college, but the concentration frequency of the areas around a college was found to be higher than that of the stations sphere of influence. Accordingly, it was verified that most of the cases fell under the location in the stations sphere of influence in general, and when the location in the stations sphere and the areas around a college were overlapped, it was proved that the location tendency was close to a college. On the other hand, different from the prediction that the shorter the distance was to a subway station in the stations sphere of influence, the bigger amount and size of supply would be, it was analyzed that the supply was biggest in the range of 300 to 400m in the stations sphere of influence. Third, regarding the supply for exclusive use, in spite of mitigation of the system, very small-sized houses smaller than 30㎡ were being provided intensively, the main target of supply was single-person households, and the policies to induce the enlargement of the size for exclusive use targeting two-person households were necessary. Fourth, the formation of high land prices in downtown caused development to be focused on the land smaller than 300㎡, and one piece of land. The microminiaturization of the land for exclusive use and excessive demand for small-sized houses should be prevented by suggesting the incentive policies to induce the development of the land whose size is bigger than 400㎡ and whose land for exclusive use is bigger than 30㎡ through combination of lots and etc.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 내용과 방법
 2. 문헌연구
  2.1 선행연구 고찰
  2.2 도시형 생활주택의 개념과 법제도 고찰
 3. 부산시 도시형 생활주택의 입지특성
  3.1 인허가
  3.2 용도지역
  3.3 역세권과 대학가
 4. 부산시 도시형 생활주택의 개발특성
  4.1 전용면적별 개발 특성
  4.2 필지면적
 5. 결론


  • 성도재 Sung, Do-Jael. 동명대학교 건축학과 박사과정
  • 이광국 Lee, Kwang-Kug. 동명대학교 건축학과 부교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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