

김해국제공항 여객터미널 건축계획을 위한 기초연구 - 항공수요에 따른 공항시설 포화시점 분석을 중심으로 -


A Study on Architectural Plan of Gimhae International Airport Terminal - Focused on Analyzing the Saturation Time of Airport Facilities depending on the Air Demand -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to provide the basic data in the area of Architectural plan in expanding the infrastructure of Gimhae International Airport in the future by analyzing the saturation time. The results are as follows. The runway saturation time is analyzed as the average of 2023 based on the annual operations of flights and as the average of 2021 based on the peak hour operations of flights. In addition, the saturation time of the domestic air demand is analyzed that the marginal capacity of air demand will not be reached within 20 years in which the domestic air demand will not increase sharply. However, it is analyzed that the saturation time of the international air demand has reached its marginal capacity in 2014 based on the annual number of the passengers and will reach it in 2016 based on the number of passengers in the peak hour. It is important to cope with an imbalance between the continuous increase in the international air demand and the domestic air demand at a relative standstill in the medium-and long-term plan of Gimhae airport. Moreover, it is advisable that more proactive consultation system with the military airport for the expansion of the slots of the runways should be established to be flexible in dealing with the air demand.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구범위 및 방법
 2. 김해국제공항의 위치 및 시설현황
  2.1 김해국제공항 위치 현황
  2.2 김해국제공항 주요시설 현황
 3. 김해국제공항의 항공수요 특성 분석
  3.1 국내선 여객수요 특성 분석
  3.2 국제선 여객수요 특성 분석
 4. 공항시설 활용률 및 포화시기 분석
  4.1 김해공항의 첨두시 시설활용률 분석
  4.2 항공수요 분석에 의한 포화시점 산정
  4.3 여객이용시설 규모 및 서비스수준 등급 분석
 5. 결론


  • 박정근 Park, Chung-Keun. 정회원, 제주대학교 건축학부 부교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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