A Study on the Foreign Baseball Stadium Dome Cases for Determining Critical Planning Factors - focused on the 6 international game scaled baseball stadium domes in Japan -
The Gocheok Dome, Korea’s first domed baseball park is well under construction and has been receiving wide attention. However, there have been other voices of concern about the absence of using plan based on the expecting difficulty with attracting a professional baseball team and the location with lower accessibility and so on. In the meantime, a news has been released that Seoul City has developed a plan for another multi-purpose dome complex in Chamsil for not only baseball but also concerts and other events. Because it needs a great amount of cost for the construction of domed baseball park, careful approaches should be needed. From this kind of situation, in this study 6 built domed park cases in Japan were analyzed focused on the critical elements in planning baseball dome stadium. From the result, all the 6 domes in Japan were designed for the multi purpose stadium with circular shaped stand type. Regarding the roof type, which is a huge factor for the construction cost, although there exists various types such as air membrane structure type, retractable roof type, partially opened type with transparent material for natural lights, it could be found out there exists one tendency of selecting the type that could reduce the running and maintenance cost. At the last part of the paper, through the procedure of the analysis, a suggestion on the proper dome type in Korea from the contemporary situation.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
2. 분석사례대상 선정을 위한 기초분석
2.1 각 국 주요 야구돔구장의 기초조사
2.2 스탠드 형태 및 좌석수와 활용도의 관계성 고찰
2.3 구체분석 사례 도출
3. 일본 내 6개 사례의 개관
3.1 도쿄돔(1988, Tokyo Dome)
3.2 후쿠오카돔(1993, Fukuoka Dome)
3.3 오사카돔(1997, Osaka Dome)
3.4 나고야돔(1997, Nagoya Dome)
3.5 세이부돔(1999, Seibu Dome)
3.6 삿포로돔(2001, Sapporo Dome)
4. 사례분석을 통한 야구돔구장의 주요 계획요소 도출
4.1 돔구장의 스탠드 형태와 용도
4.2 야구돔구장의 볼륨
4.3 지붕구조 및 특수기능
5. 결론