

Enhancing Security Gaps in Smart Grid Communication



In order to develop smart grid communications infrastructure, a high level of interconnectivity and reliability among its nodes is required. Sensors, advanced metering devices, electrical appliances, and monitoring devices, just to mention a few, will be highly interconnected allowing for the seamless flow of data. Reliability and security in this flow of data between nodes is crucial due to the low latency and cyber-attacks resilience requirements of the Smart Grid. In particular, Artificial Intelligence techniques such as Fuzzy Logic, Bayesian Inference, Neural Networks, and other methods can be employed to enhance the security gaps in conventional IDSs. A distributed FPGA-based network with adaptive and cooperative capabilities can be used to study several security and communication aspects of the smart grid infrastructure both from the attackers and defensive point of view. In this paper, the vital issue of security in the smart grid is discussed, along with a possible approach to achieve this by employing FPGA based Radial Basis Function (RBF) network intrusion.


 1. Introduction
 2. Securing the smart grid
 3. RBF intrusion detection
 4. Simulation
 5. Conclusion


  • Sang-Hyun Lee Dept. of Computer Engineering, Honam University, Korea
  • Heon Jeong Fire Service Administration, Chodang University, Korea
  • Kyung-Il Moon Dept. of Computer Engineering, Honam University, Korea


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