


근로시간면제제도의 실제적 운영과 법적 과제 ― 김해ㆍ양산지역 주요 사업장을 중심으로 ―


A legal study on the practical operations and legal problems of Time-off system - focused on the main companies in Kimhae and Yangsan -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It has been 5 years since the time-off system was enforced. Most of the companies completely banned the wages paid to the full-time union officer have been retained as the practice for a long time. But the time-off system is newly introduced and time-off workers that working time is exceptionally exempt are newly recognized as legal status. Even though Many people worried about the time-off system, this system is settled smoothly at most of the companies. Labor in the field, time-off workers do not have found any institutional differences with conventional full-time union officials. Newly recognized time-off system has just a variety of problems and many important tasks are required. According to Kimhae and Yangsan's corporate investigation, time-off system has some merits that lead to the existing union to be changed positively, but on the other hand it has some demerits such as opposing and clash between unions. In conclusion, by means of demanding they be granted the three basic labor rights - to organize, bargain collectively and strike, result from Constitution, article 33 (1) and the right of time-off worker resulted from article 24 (2 and 4) in the Labor Union and Labor Relations Coordination Act, the government try to find possible measures to stimulate on the practical operations for the legal purpose of the time-off system.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 근로시간면제제도의 의의
 Ⅲ. 근로시간면제제도의 운영실태
 Ⅳ. 근로시간면제제도의 해결과제
 Ⅴ. 마치며


  • 방준식 Bang, Joonsik. 영산대학교 법과대학 법률학과 부교수, 법학박사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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