

건물 청소노동자의 노동 경험


Working Experiences of Cleaning Workers

김소연, 김영미

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe cleaning workers’ working experiences in Korea. Methods: The data were collected in two focus-group interviews with 9 cleaning workers. The phenomenological analytic method suggested by Colaizzi was used to analyze the data. Results: Five theme clusters and thirteen themes emerged from the analysis. The first theme clusters, ‘Dead-end choice’ included Limits of elderly women workers, Financial difficulties, Lowered self-esteem. The second theme clusters, ‘Facing with discriminatory working environments’ included Fear and unfair working conditions. The third theme clusters, ‘Potential health problems’ included Physical overload, Repeated exposure to hazardous substances and Emotional labor. The fourth theme clusters, ‘Excluded from protection of the law’ included Gloomy reality and Sexual harassment. The fifth theme clusters, ‘Desire to get out of social isolation’ included Efforts to maintain the status, Desire to live confidently and Desire to change social recognition. Conclusion: The findings of the study provide understanding on cleaning workers’ working experiences to explain by their vision and language and should ensure proper working conditions and environment to live a better life.


  1. 연구의 필요성
  2. 연구목적
  1. 연구설계
  2. 연구참여자 선정
  3. 자료수집
  4. 자료분석
  5. 윤리적 고려
  6. 연구결과의 타당성 확보
  주제모음 1. 막다른 선택
  주제모음 2. 차별적 노동환경과 직면
  주제모음 3. 잠재된 건강 문제
  주제모음 4. 법적 보호에서 소외
  주제모음 5. 사회적 고립감에서 벗어나고자 함
 결론 및 제언


  • 김소연 Kim, Soyeon. 서울대학교 보건대학원
  • 김영미 Kim, Youngmi. 한국남부발전(주)부산천연가스발전본부 건강관리실


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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