

성문위기도기 인후두튜브(SALT)를 이용한 기관내삽관 신속성과 용이성 비교 : 마네킨을 이용한 연구


Comparison of endotracheal intubation speed and ease by using the supraglottic airway laryngopharyngeal tube : A manikin study


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose: The purpose of this study was to improve airway management ability by comparing the speed, angle of the neck, and confidence and ease of supraglottic airway laryngopharyngeal tube (SALT) and endotracheal intubation via direct laryngoscopy. Methods: The subjects of this experimental research study with a randomized crossover design were 44 emergency medicine technician - paramedics working in the fire department of 'J' - do. SPSS version 19.0 was used in the statistical analysis. Results: Speed and angle of the neck (p <.001), as well as confidence and ease (p <.001), showed significant differences between endotracheal intubation with a SALT and endotracheal intubation via direct laryngoscopy. Conclusion: If endotracheal intubation via direct laryngoscopy is difficult to use or in trauma patients, using a SALT is safe and enables fast intubation. Moreover, in order to improve the efficiency of advanced airway management, the application of SALT should be introduced in the domestic scene.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 연구방법
  1. 연구 설계
  2. 연구 대상
  3. 연구 절차
  4. 연구 도구
  5. 분석방법
 Ⅲ. 연구결과
  1. 대상자의 일반적 특성
  2. SALT 사용에 따른 기관내삽관의 신속성 및 목의 각도
  3. SALT 사용에 따른 기관내삽관의 자신감 및 용이성
  4. 기도유지기 선호도
 Ⅳ. 고찰
 Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언


  • 윤성우 Seong-Woo Yun. 남서울대학교 응급구조학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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