

Session 3 : 정보통신기술, 좌장 : 최용수(성결대학교)

오프그리드 이동통신 기지국을 위한 VRFB 하이브리드 전원 공급장치


Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Hybrid Power Systems for Off-Grid Telecom Towers

허지향, 김유종, 문은용, 한신

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Off-grid telecom towers are expected to continue to grow especially in the developing countries. Diesel generators have been typically used as a power source for off-/bad-grid telecom towers as they are more reliable than renewable energies. However, running diesel generators are not economically and environmentally preferable due to high fuel and maintenance costs. In this paper, two hybrid power systems are introduced - one with a vanadium redox flow battery energy storage system (VRFB ESS), and the other with VRFB ESS and PV. Cost analyses were carried out to calculate the benefits of the hybrid power systems. Presented hybrid power systems allow to reduce annual operation cost as high as 60%.


 I. 서론
 II. 오프그리드 이동통신 기지국 현황
 III. 바나듐 레독스흐름전지 (VRFB)
 VI. VRFB 하이브리드 전원공급장치 경제성 분석
  1. 일반적인 오프그리드 전원공급장치
  2. VRFB+디젤발전기 하이브리드 전원공급장치 경제성 분석
  3. VRFB+디젤발전기+태양광발전 하이브리드 전원공급장치 경제성 분석
 V. 결론


  • 허지향 Jee-Hyang Huh. ㈜에이치투
  • 김유종 Yu-Jong Kim. ㈜에이치투
  • 문은용 Eun-Yong Moon. ㈜에이치투
  • 한신 Shin Han. ㈜에이치투


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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