

Development of the Graphical User Interface of Mobile Application for Remote Control Using Wireless Communications



The single most important concept to master when designing mobile device interfaces is "context". The context in which an application is used and the context of how information is input are both key issues; each must be understood before a well-crafted design may be implemented. When these two notions of context are explored, it becomes clear that designing for a mobile device can lead to a solution that is worlds different than its desktop equivalent. In this paper, we developed a graphical user interface of mobile application to control a digital audio system remotely. Most significantly, this remote control mobile application for the control of digital audio must be able to control many channels simultaneously. The number of input channels is 4 and the number of output is 8. Also, it has a lot of graphical components and has many kinds of components that are controlled by the mobile application. It creates an experience especially for many users of digital audio, allowing the user to interact with the software for digital audio operation in a natural and intuitive way. As a result, we implemented the mobile application interface of digital audio to provide a user-friendly experience. An efficient memory management is also necessary in order to execute the operation for the remote control and hard cording is needed on the mobile application. To solve that problem, a GridLayout was used. As a result, the screen size is not problem in operating the mobile application on android.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1. Mobile Device Interface
  2.2. Audio Crossover
  2.3. Equalizer
 3. System Structure of Digital Audio
 4. Graphical User Interface of the Mobile Application for Remote Control
  4.1. Design of user interface of mobile application
  4.2. Band pass filter
  4.3. Graphic Equalizer
  4.4. Parametric Equalizer
  4.5. Route
  4.6. Gain (Input)
 5. Conclusions and Future Work


  • Jung-Sook Kim School of Smart IT, Kimpo University, 97, Gimpodaehak-ro, Wolgot-myun, Gimpo-si, Geyonggi-do, Korea


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