

Fuzzy Logic Control Based Dynamic Channel Allocation of WiMedia UWB Networks for Supporting Mixed Data Traffic



This paper proposes a fuzzy logic control based dynamic channel allocation (DCA) to ECMA-368 based WiMedia UWB networks, which aims to support mixed high-quality video traffic and shipboard control data traffic with high reliability and priority as well. The DCA method applied in this paper is to flexibly vary the portions of time slots of either the prioritized contention access (PCA) or the distributed reservation protocol (DRP), according to traffic condition and priority. Furthermore, the proposed DCA with the fuzzy logic control algorithm can intelligently divide the portion of time slots and allocate channels to both PCA and DRP, resulting in support of both HD-video stream services and shipboard instrument control data. It is shown that the proposed fuzzy logic controlled DCA with WiMedia UWB MAC protocol can provide reliable mixed video and shipboard control data traffic as well, and it can provide better performance of the aggregated throughput than that of without fuzzy logic control algorithm.


 1. Introduction
 2. WiMedia UWB (ECMA-368) MAC Protocol
  2.1. Ship Area Network
  2.2 WiMedia UWB Wireless Gateway
  2.3 WiMedia UWB (ECMA-368) MAC Protocols
 3. Proposed Fuzzy Logic Control Based Dynamic Channel Allocation
  3.1 WiMedia UWB MAC Protocols Supporting Mixed Data Traffic
  3.2 Fuzzy Logic Control Supporting Mixed Data Traffic and Priorities
 4. Simulation and Discussion
 5. Conclusion


  • Dong-Keun Jeon Dept. of Mechatronics, School of Mechanical Engineering, Incheon National University, Incheon, Korea
  • Yeonwoo Lee Dept. of Information and Communications, College of Engineering, Mokpo National University, Chonnam, Korea


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