

Evaluating SPARQL Query on Semantic Data Store in Cloud Platform



Cloud computing provides virtualization of services, has enabled opportunities for integration and collaboration of many e-businesses around world. Also, semantic web technology has been evolving in parallel, which uses RDF and OWL as storage formats for business data. Integration of semantic web technology on cloud platform provides an efficient way of managing data for e-commerce based applications. Many databases storage approaches have been proposed for e-commerce applications. However, there is a need to model the data storage based on semantic information so that the access to data store based on semantic behavior of user context and past history. The proposed work models a mobile phone e-commerce application which uses RDF data store which is maintained in cloud environment. SPARQL queries are used for access and retrieval mechanism.


 1. Introduction
  1.1. Semantic Heterogeneity
  1.2. Semantic Integration
 2. Surviving Techniques
 3. Cloud Computing and Semantic Web Fundamentals
 4. Proposed Methodology
 5. Proposed Architecture
  5.1 Non Cross domain Data Sources
  5.2. Query Translator
  5.3 The RDF mapping table.
 6. Implementation
  6.1 Resource Description Format [RDF] Example
  6.2 Sample SPARQL Query Evaluation
 7. Integrating Structure and Semantics: Case Study on Book Ontology
  7.1 Element-level Transformation
  7.2 Structure-level Transformation
  7.3 Merge Mechanism of Local Ontologies into Global Ontologies
  7.4 Mapping Table between the Global Ontology and Local RDF Ontologies
 8. Conclusion


  • Ankit Kulkarni School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT University
  • Mayur Sagavkar School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT University
  • Anupriya Elumalai Department of Information Technology, Ibri College of Technology, Oman
  • N.Ch.S.N Iyengar School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT University


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