

Perimenstrual Distress and Coping Responses among College Women



The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of menstrual distress and coping responses in college women and to provide basic data for nursing management of women with menstrual distress. In a descriptive cross-sectional study, 233 female college students who study at S university were included. They completed an online structured survey containing the menstrual distress questionnaire and menstrual coping responses. The mean of menstrual distress experienced by participants was 2.51 in a scale of 1 to 5. The mean score of subcategories of menstrual distress was 2.61 for pain, 2.14 for impaired concentration, 2.52 for behavior change, 2.31 for autonomic reactions, 2.69 for water retention, and 2.82 for negative affect. The subjects used an average of 9.38 coping responses out of a possible 24 items to cope with their menstrual distress, and also that the ones they used were less effective. Also, the study found a negative affect of menstrual distress was correlated with avoidant coping of menstrual coping responses. Therefore, it is necessary to educate female college students to recognize the period properly and manage their menses symptoms in a positive and effective manner.


 1. Introduction
 2. Methods
  2.1. Setting and Sample
  2.2. Survey Instruments
  2.3. Statistical Analysis
 3. Results
  3.1. General Characteristics and Menstruation Related Characteristics of Subjects
  3.2. Menstrual Distress of Subjects
  3.3. Coping Responses used Menstrual Distress and Symptom Relief
  3.4. Menstrual Distress According to General Characteristics of Subjects
  3.5. Menstrual Distress Coping Responses According to General Characteristics
  3.6. Relationships between Menstrual Distress and Number of Coping Responses
 4. Discussion
 5. Conclusions


  • Jeong-Ah Yoon Professor, Department of Nursing, Tongmyong University, 179 Sinseonro, Busan, 608-711, Republic of Korea
  • Myoung-Hee Kim Professor, Department of Nursing, Semyung University, 65 Semyung-Ro, Chechon, Chungbuk, 390-711, Republic of Korea
  • Hye-Won Jeon Professor, Department of Nursing, Kkottongnae University


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