

A Novel Dr.KSM Approach for Information Security and Risk Management in Health Care Systems



At Present times, A common person focus on their health issues not only for themselves but also for their family because health is a wealth. In the modern days most of the people are working and they spending 40% to 50% of the income on their health issues not only for themselves but also for their family. By this the rate of population arrival to the Hospitals are increasing day-by-day. So the hospitals have to be reliable towards the patients. The records of the patients and the medication details are to be maintained correctly. There may be many risks in the software that they use. So any health organizations are struggles to display the patient electronically measured health records and what they use medication outside. So every time common people are lose their health information. If the common people know the about their previous health records they reduce their money and take the first aid immediately. In this paper we suggest a new approach to risk assessment for health care systems. As risk assessment is a Qualitative approach, there are no exact techniques to solve such risks. Lack of risk assessment techniques leads to failure in the system and organization as the people don’t find interest to come if once the organization fails in any of the issues. Our new method mainly focuses on the risk management for health care organizations. Today’s health care industry faces a number of emerging risk issues related to health care reform, the shift from fee-for-services to outcomes-based compensation, the use of electronic medical records and the management of human capital. Therefore our method has put forth a Risk management technique for the Risk assessment.


 1. Introduction
 2. Information Electronically Measured Health Record System
 3. Identify the Risks in Health Record System
  3.1. Risk Assessment Should Fulfill all Criteria Listed Below
 4. Dr.KSM Quantitative Approach
  4.1. Existing System
  4.2. Proposed Method (Dr.KSM Approach)
 5. Results and Comparison
 6. Conclusion


  • B.Chaitanya Krishna Department of Computer Science and Engineering, K L University, Andhra Pradesh
  • Kodukula Subrahmanyam Department of Computer Science and Engineering, K L University, Andhra Pradesh
  • S.S.N.Anjaneyulu Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Eswar College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh
  • Tai-hoon Kim Department of Convergence Security, Sungshin Women's University


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