

전방십자인대 재건술 후 무릎관절 신전각 30°에서 근결손율이 무릎관절 기능점수에 미치는 영향


Effects of Muscle Deficit of Knee Extension Angle 30° on Knee Functional Scores following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

안호주, 전현식, 안근옥, 강현주, 이호성

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



[PURPOSE] The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of muscle deficit of knee extension angle 30° on knee functional scores following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. [METHODS] The patients who had less than 20% of peak torque value following reconstructive ACL operation were participated in this study. In addition, they were divided into a group with knee extension angle 30° muscle deficit less than 20% (Control group; CON, n = 15) and into a group with knee extension angle 30° muscle deficit more than 20% (Muscle deficit group; MDG, n = 15). Knee extension angle 30° muscle deficit, IKDC and Lysholm scores were measured in knee extension angle 30°. [RESULTS] Knee extension angle 30° muscle deficit was significantly higher in the MDG compared with CON (p<.001). IKDC and Lysholm scores were significantly lower in the MDG compared with CON (p<.001). [CONCLUSIONS] This study demonstrated that a larger knee extension angle 30° muscle deficit following reconstructive ACL operation reduces IKDC and Lysholm scores. Therefore, it is recommended that knee extension angle 30° muscle deficit should be considered for rehabilitation and return to sports after ACL reconstruction.


  실험설계 및 절차
  등속성근력 검사
  무릎관절 기능점수
  최대 토크값의 근결손율
  무릎관절 신전각 30°에서 근결손율
  IKDC 점수
  Lysholm 점수


  • 안호주 Ho-Ju Ahn. 단국대학교
  • 전현식 Hyun-Sik Jeon. 단국대학교
  • 안근옥 Keun-Ok An. 단국대학교
  • 강현주 Hyun-Joo Kang. 순천향대학교
  • 이호성 Ho-Seong Lee. 단국대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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