

Histogram Equalization: A Strong Technique for Image Enhancement



Generally for improving contrast in digital images, HE is the method that commonly used but in result it gives unnatural artifacts like intensity saturation, over-enhancement and noise amplification. To overcome these problems there was a need to partition the image histogram, at first image histogram was partitioned into two parts and then different transformation functions were applied on each partition. After that image histogram was partitioned into many partitions and same process was applied with some additional features. DHE is the multi histogram method and CLAHE is the extension of AHE. These methods are compared to HE and found that both methods give better result than HE but DHE method also gives better result than CLAHE.


 1. Introduction
 2. Histogram Equalization
 3. Dynamic Histogram Equalization
 4. Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization
 5. Results and Discussion
 6. Conclusion


  • Ravindra Pal Singh Dept. of Comp. Science/IT MITS Gwalior, 474005 India
  • Manish Dixit Dept. of Comp. Science/IT MITS Gwalior, 474005 India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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