

A Novel Approach for Congestion Control in War State Battle Field Using Cloud Sensor for Collision Detection and Prevention



War State Battle Field is the basement of the military action. Battle Field is very significant for commanders to considerate and make full use of it in decision-making. This is basically depend on the vehicular traffic control in war state battle field. In this the tanks represents a vechicle. A tanks traffic on war state battle field is a vital problem and is seemly a major pretend to conclusion makers. In this research paper we will try to bring the scenario of battle field arena where the traffic consists of the vehicles called tanks. So the main focus in this research is put on the collision detection of the tanks among each other using cloud sensor by controlling the congestion in the battlefield.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Survey
 3. Pseudo Codes for Congestion Control in War State Battle Field
  3.1 Procedure to Process Vehicle Node Information at Server Side.
  3.2 Procedure to Update Vehicle Information
  3.3 Procedure to Find Neighbors for Vehicle U
  3.4 Procedure to Protect collision between Two Tanks
  3.5 Procedure to Change Speed of Tank
  3.6 Procedure to Speed Up Tank
  3.7 Procedure to Speed Down Tank
  3.8 Procedure to Shoot Mines Randomly for Tank V
 4. Experimental Setup
  4.1 War State Battle Field Services
 5. Simulation and Results of War State Battle Field Using Sensor Cloud
 6. Conclusion


  • Kapil Kumar Department of Computer Science & Engineering Guru Nanak Dev University, Regional Campus Jalandhar, INDIA
  • Pankaj Deep Kaur Department of Computer Science & Engineering Guru Nanak Dev University, Regional Campus Jalandhar, INDIA


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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