

Construction Scheme of NSFC Open Access Library



With the fast development of Open Access (OA) in recent years, it helps stimulate free scientific achievements propagation via Internet and promote academic exchange and fast publishing in an efficient and cheap way. In this paper, we propose a construction scheme of our Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) open access library which is under development recently. We first propose our overall architecture for OA library. Then, we present detailed design from upper layer OA webpage with 3-level display hierarchy to the middle layer some key function modules. Next, bottom layer raw data acquisition module and other important system function modules like interface module, people management and security modules are explained with illustrative figures and table.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Overall Architecture
 4. Detailed Design of OA Library
  4.1 Open Access Webpage
  4.2 Data Acquisition
  4.3 Key Function Modules
  4.4 Other Function Modules
 5. Conclusions and Future Work


  • Jianjun Li Information Center, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing China
  • Minshe Zhang Information Center, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing China
  • Dong Li Information Center, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing China
  • Wei Zhang Information Center, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing China
  • Jin Wang Information Center, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing China, College of Information Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, China


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