

Authentication Techniques for Improving the Reliability of the Nodes in the MANET



The open structure of MANET, dynamic topology, and infrastructure mobile nodes constituting are threated from many types of attacks. Therefore, what increases the reliability between the mobile nodes and provides efficient routing is an important part to influence network performance. Attack by malicious nodes presenting within the network destructs communication path or discards the packet and the damage is very large. However, it is not easy to detect attacks using these properties. In this paper, we propose an authentication technique to provide secure communication through secure routing scheme for safe data transmission between the nodes and exhaustive reliability testing. Cluster structure is used for authentication technique of the proposed technique and cluster head acts as a certificate authority and is managed authentication information of member nodes. The performance of the proposed technique was confirmed by experiments.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1. Secure Routing Protocol
  2.2. Authentication Techniques
 3. Proposed Authentication Method
  3.1. Network Architecture for Authentication
  3.2. Election of CA
  3.3. Node Authentication and Secure Routing
 4. Experiment and Result
  4.1. Simulation Environment
  4.2. Simulation Result
 5. Conclusion


  • Hwan-Seok Yang Dept. of Information Security Engineering, Joongbu University Geumsan-gun, Chungnam, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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