

Research on Effective Field Lines Detection and Tracking Algorithm in Soccer Videos



A novel field line detection method is proposed based on the directional information of field line. First, the special character of modern soccer playfield is considered, and a novel soccer field model is introduced which includes offside assistant lines. By designing a directional filter, these field lines can be accurately detected. Moreover, the field line detection and tracking for a clip is developed, which can further improve the performance of field line detection. In this paper, we integrate the basic theories of multimedia analysis, pattern recognition and computer vision into content analysis for sports video analysis. Through exploring several components such as object detection, camera calibration and tactic analysis, a systematical system is built up. The proposed algorithms can be not only used for soccer video analysis but also used for other sports video analysis. It provides a promising method for general multimedia analysis.


 1. Introduction
 2. Single Frame Detection of Field Lines Based on Direction Information
 3. Track of Field Lines Based on Kalman Filtering
  3.1. Independent Frame Field Lines Detection
  3.2. The Field Lines Tracking Based on Video
 4. Experimental Analysis and Results
  4.1. Single Frame Detection Result of Field Lines
  4.2. Detection Result of Field Lines in Video Clips
 5. Conclusion


  • Shouzhong Zhang Physical Education Department, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150000, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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