

Request – Response Based Power Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Heterogeneous Sensor Networks



There are different applications in wireless sensor networks, where sensors with different capacities are deployed. So designing a reliable and scalable routing protocol for a real world wireless heterogeneous sensor network is an interesting task. In this paper, we propose a novel power aware routing for wireless heterogeneous sensor network, which can provide loop less, stateless routing without using any prior neighborhood information. It utilizes both symmetric and asymmetric links to forward a data from source to sink. This protocol explores the neighbor node relations and chooses the best-hop based on node power. It eliminates the low-powered nodes to become hop-nodes in the contention process. It also prolongs the network lifetime. Analysis shows that this scheme significantly outperforms the existing protocol in wireless heterogeneous sensor networks.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
  2.1. Routing in Wireless Homogeneous Sensor Networks
  2.2. Routing in Wireless Heterogeneous Sensor Networks
 3. Preliminaries
  3.1. Definition of Neighbor Relationships in Wireless Heterogeneous Sensor Network
  3.2. Definition of One-Hop and Two-Hop Receiver Model and Limitations of other Models
  3.3. Network Model
  3.4. Energy Expenditure Model
 4. The Proposed Protocol
  4.1. Handshake Part
  4.2. Selection Part
 5. Simulation Results of Our Proposed Protocol
  5.1. Simulation Settings
  5.2. Varying Active Nodes Scenario
  5.3. Performance of Proposed Protocol in Random Walk Scenario
  5.4. Performance of Proposed Protocol in Random Sleep Scenario
 6. Conclusion and Future Work


  • M. Viju Prakash Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, India
  • B. Paramasivan Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, India


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