


이온질화처리된 Inconel 625 합금의 기계적 성질 및 마모 특성에 관한 연구


A Study on the Mechanical Properties and Wear Properties of Ion-nitrided Inconel 625 Alloy


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Material for high-speed airframe are typically selected such that high ablation resistance is maintained on the material surface while high pull-strength is maintained inside the material. However, in case of application to extremely severe condition, the material should have better mechanical properties. Thus, heat treatment or surface treatment is utilized to improve the mechanical properties. This study is conducted as a preliminary research to improve the mechanical properties of vehicle material considering the frictional heat produced during high-speed vehicle is in motion. In this study, Inconel 625 alloy, widely used material for the application of high-speed air vehicle, is ion nitriding processed and then mechanical property test and wear test on this material are conducted consequently. As results, mechanical properties such as tensile strength, yield strength and hardness are increased, and also wear rate is increased at particular condition.


 1. 서론
 2. 실험방법
  2.1 시편 제작
  2.2 인장시험
  2.3 경도시험
  2.4 마모시험
 3. 실험 결과 및 고찰
  3.1 인장 시험 결과
  3.2 경도 시험 결과
  3.3 마모시험 분석
 4. 결론


  • 최인표 Inpyo Choi. Member, Seoul Center, Defense Agency for Technology and Quality


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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