


시즈히터가 장착된 평판 내 온도변화 특성 분석


Analysis of Temperature Variation in Flat Plate with Sheath Heater

임성진, 허진석, 이지수, 이상호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, temperature variation characteristics in a flat plate with sheath heater are investigated through experiment and numerical analysis. ANSYS fluent is used to calculate the temperature distribution in the heating plate system. Transient condition is applied to observe temperature variation with the sheath heater operation, and thermal resistance on the contacted surfaces is also considered. Experimental data agree well with numerical results obtained for heat generation rate from sheath heater, Local temperature variation on the surface of flat plate is also predicted through this simulation. There is large temperature variation in the air surrounded flat plate, especially at the top of flat plate with natural convective heat transfer. These results will be helpful in optimal design for various systems equipped with sheath heater.


 1. 서론
 2. 실험방법
 3. 수치해석
  3.1 해석 모델
  3.2 물성치 및 경계조건
 4. 결과 및 고찰
  4.1 실험 및 수치해석 결과 비교
  4.2 평판과 주변 공기의 온도분포
  4.3 평판의 위치별 온도변화
 5. 결론


  • 임성진 Sung Jin Lim. Division of Mechanical and Automotive Enineering of Wonkwang University
  • 허진석 Jin Seok Heo. Division of Mechanical and Automotive Enineering of Wonkwang University
  • 이지수 Ji Soo Lee. BISSAL STONE, Inc..
  • 이상호 Sang Ho Lee. Member, Division of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering of Wonkwang Iniversity


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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