

웃음으로 사회 비판하기 —『진지함의 중요성』


Criticizing the Society by Laughter : The Importance of Being Earnest


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to examine social criticism ‘trivialized’ in The Importance of Being Earnest. At first, as the play was hailed as a great comedy, the aspects of social criticism which are expressed from time to time have mostly been disregarded. While the play is delivering humor, wit, and satire, it often touches on acute social issues including class, economy, politics, and dominant values. The farcical world represented in the play, however, prevents the audience from perceiving the problems as ‘serious.’ Furthermore, the social institutions and values are not developed into fully-fledged discussions. The sensitive and controversial problems of the society are only briefly mentioned in the nonsensical environment. Accordingly, ‘serious’ topics become trivialized with clamorous laughter. Especially Lady Bracknell, an aristocrat, often displays contempt and fear toward lower class people who can commit outrageous violence that might subvert the established system. Her attitude and behavior relating to class issues reflect the society which was undergoing drastic change. At that time, social unrests were often engendered by riots or rebellions of lower class people. Besides, blood lines, family, and marriage, which are the basis of the Victorian society to maintain its social order, are targeted by satire. These concerns valued at that time are ridiculed throughout the play. Reversed gender norms are also a source of laughter. Women characters have the initiative in their relationships with their partners. While they pursue their goal insistently, male characters are usually passive and are willing to accommodate themselves to their partners’ desires. Wilde expresses his revolutionary ideas by locating the social institutions and values of the farcical world in which their meanings are inverted and trivialized.




  • 기현주 Hyunjoo Ki. 세종대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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