

『황폐한 집』에서의 과도기적 추리서사 — 버킷의 재현을 중심으로


Transitional Detective Narrative in Bleak House : Focusing on the Representation of Bucket


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Examining the representation of Bucket, this paper aims to prove that Dickens’s Bleak House produces a different narrative of crime from that in Newgate novels and in detective fiction. Bucket, like the detective in detective novels, reassures the class hierarchy by containing the subversiveness of crime discourse in the Newgate fiction. Bucket’s representation is, however, different from that of aristocratic amateur detectives and of incompetent and shallow-minded police in detective fiction. Bucket is represented as a police who reveals competence in detection, class-neutrality, and family value. Through the representation of Bucket, Bleak House produces more progressive discourse of class than detective novels. Taking a broad view of the development of nineteenth-century British crime fiction, this paper argues that the detective narrative in Bleak House is a transitional type of crime narrative between Newgate novel and detective fiction.


I. 들어가는 말
 II. 19세기 영국 범죄소설의 전개—뉴게이트 소설에서 추리소설로
 III. 버킷의 차별적 재현과 그 효과
 IV. 나가는 말—『황폐한 집』의 과도기적 범죄서사


  • 계정민 Joengmeen Gye. 계명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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