

장형(腸形) 인간의 에니어그램 영성수련


Enneagram Spiritual Training for the Belly Type


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Enneagram is a tool for our spiritual awakening, helping us to identify our egos and look into its artificiality, thereby making us understand our relationship with the world and realize its superficiality. The awareness can be given differently according to the characteristics formed through the process of our spiritual growth, and can be achieved more efficiently by choosing the respective approach for such characteristics. For this, enneagram categorizes people into 3 groups of the heart type, the head type and the belly type, subcategorizing it again and again into diverse types, to provide a guideline of self-awareness and spiritual training for each of these categories and subcategories. This paper aims at calling attention to the original intent of the enneagram theory and practice, by re-examining the specific cases of enneagram spiritual training for the belly type persons and its theoretical grounds. In other words, it tries to figure out what it means to realize the ‘true essence’ as emphasized in enneagram discourses. Here, this paper will make an attempt of abstraction on a more enhanced level by drawing a new analysis of the belly type personality and its way of spiritual training based on theoretical evidences from the oriental tradition and the recent scientific findings. Deeper reflection on the meaning of the belly, or the intestines, in the concept of the ‘belly type personality’ will be tried, following case study of the belly-type spiritual training for this purpose.


  1. 연구 배경
  2. 연구 목적
  1. 에니어그램에서의 장형 인간
  2. 장형 인간의 영성 수련
  3. 사례분석


  • 이은재 Lee, Eun-Jae. 산돌학교 교장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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