

Research on Capability Assessment of IS Outsourcing Service Providers



IS outsourcing services have developed into a major and continuously growing IS services business. Although there is a wealth of academic literature examining information systems (IS) outsourcing, there is little academic literature that addresses the current outsourcing problem that most firms facing, which is how to assess IS outsourcing service providers’ capability. Given multiattribute nature of IS outsourcing service providers’ capability assessment, this paper argues that thirteen capability criteria should be considered for assessments, and proposes the PROMETHEE as aids in assessing IS outsourcing service providers’ capability decisions, together with changing weights for a sensitivity analysis. It shows by means of an application that the presented method is very well suited as a tool for the IS outsourcing service providers’ capability assessment.


 1. Introduction
 2. Performance Criteria
 3. The Adopted Method
 4. An Application
  4.1 the Problem Faced
  4.2 Criteria Weights
  4.3 The Problem Faced-Evaluation and Analysis
  4.4 The Problem Faced-Sensitivity Analysis
 5. Conclusions


  • Xinjun Li School of Economic and Management, Yantai University, Yantai 264005, China
  • Junyan Wang School of Economic and Management, Yantai University, Yantai 264005, China


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