

Subsampling-Based Image Tamper Detection and Recovery Using Quick Response Code




Quick response (QR) code is the prevalent trademark for a type of matrix barcode symbol. That code is always scanned to efficiently acquire data, especially for mobile device users. It involves the capabilities of data storage, reliable readability and strong error correction. This paper utilizes these properties of a QR code to propose an image tamper detection and recovery scheme for grayscale images. The image to be protected is first subsampled and decomposed the principal energy compaction for image blocks. These are regarded as the image authentication and recovery data and then are encoded into the pattern of a QR code. The QR code is subsequently embedded into the original image. Experimental results showed that the authentication and recovery data in a QR code is able to sustain certain perceptible distortions such that the proposed scheme can detect tampered regions clearly and recover them roughly. Moreover, the proposed scheme also provides a better embedded image quality in comparison with the previous method.


 1. Introduction
 2. Review of Chen and Chen’s Scheme
 3. The proposed Scheme
  3.1. Authentication Data Generation and Embedding Procedure
  3.2. Image Tamper Detection Procedure
  3.3. Image content recovery procedure
 4. Experimental Results and Discussion
 5. Conclusions


  • Wen-Chuan Wu Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Aletheia University, 32 Zhenli St., Taipei 25103, Taiwan


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