

Cross Layer Optimization Routing Algorithm for Wireless AD HOC




Throughput maximization is one of the main challenges in ad hoc networks, where the availability of local spectrum resources may change from time to time and hop by hop. For this reason, a cross-layer opportunistic routing algorithm for ad hoc networks is proposed, which is called the multi channel (MCPEF) algorithm. Through local control actions, MCPEF aims to maximize the network throughput by performing joint routing, scheduling, and transmit power control. Specifically, the algorithm dynamically allocates spectrum resources to maximize the capacity of links without generating harmful interference to other users, while guaranteeing bounds bit error rate (BER) for the receiver. In addition, the algorithm aims to maximize the weighted sum of differential backlogs, and which can stabilize the system by giving priority to higher capacity links with a high differential backlog. The proposed algorithm is distributed, computationally efficient, and it has bounded BER guarantees. MCPEF is shown through numerical model-based evaluation and discrete-event packet-level simulations to outperform baseline solutions; it will obtain a high throughput, low delay, and fair bandwidth allocation.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Problem Formulation
  3.1. Dynamic Channel Allocation Interference Aware QoS Routing
  3.2. Routing Process
 4. Performance Evaluation
 5. Conclusion


  • Hongfeng Wang School of Computer Science and Technology Zhoukou Normal University, Zhoukou 466000, China
  • Dingding Zhou Department of Laboratory and Equipment Management Zhoukou Normal University, Zhoukou 466000, China
  • Shi Dong School of Computer Science and Technology Zhoukou Normal University, Zhoukou 466000, China, School of Computer Science and Technology HuaZhong Universtiy of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430079, China


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