

The Study of a Course Design of IoT Manpower Training based on the HOPPING Education System and the ESIC Program



Internet of things (IoT), Cloud, Big Data and 3D printer are the ICT technologies that recently has been on the rise in domestic and in global. The IoT is expected to be a future growth engine by grafting ICT technology to traditional industry. The most important matter for internet of things to grow as successful business is incubating professional man power. The course of university can't hold a candle to the field. And the course of academy is not systematic. Thus, it is continue a problem that human power production not be applied to the field directly. Thus, this study is to suggest how to design systematic education programs for internet of things and to operate those programs in efficient. In this paper, proposed an effective training courses and educational operating system by introducing the HOPPING education course and the ESIC program. The system proposed in this paper will be available in an IOT specialized manpower training and a SW education.


 1. Introduction
 2. Overview of Iot Education Course
  2.1. Element of Internet of Things
  2.2. Design of Education Course
  2.3. Feature of the Education Course
  2.4. Design of the Detailed Education Course
  2.5. Design of Project Course
  2.6. Design of Special Course
 3. The Strategy for Operating Programs
  3.1. Enterprise Connection Strategy
  3.2. Strategy for Apply the TA
  3.3. Employment Management for Trainees
  3.4. FPS Mate System
  3.5. Evaluation Method for Education Course
  3.6. Evaluation Method for Education Satisfaction
 4. Conclusion


  • Joon Seub Cha Dept. of Internet Contents, Honam University, Gwangju, Korea
  • Sung Kwan Kang Intersave co., Ltd, Gwangju, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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