

Incorporating Bidirectional Heuristic Search and Improved ACO in Route Planning



A multi-objective multi-node dynamic route planning system for a vehicle is presented in this paper. In this system, a bidirectional heuristic search algorithm is designed to perform path planning between two nodes in a topological map created by OpenStreetMap for urban scenarios. And then an improved multi-objective Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm considering the timeliness of goal nodes is proposed to generate the node sequence. Experimental results validated the proposed approach.


 1. Introduction
 2. Dynamic Planning Between Two Nodes
  2.1. Topological Map in Urban Scenario
  2.2. Dynamic Path Planning Between Two Nodes
  2.3. Output of the First Stage
 3. Multi-objective Route Planning with Node Timeliness
  3.1. Mathematic Model
  3.2. Planning Base on MOACO
 4. Experiments
  4.1. Initial Planning
  4.2. Dynamic Re-Planning
 5. Conclusion


  • Guangming Xiong Intelligent Vehicle Research Center, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing,China
  • Xiaoyun Li Intelligent Vehicle Research Center, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing,China
  • Shuai Zhou Intelligent Vehicle Research Center, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing,China
  • Hao Lu Intelligent Vehicle Research Center, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing,China
  • Yan Jiang Intelligent Vehicle Research Center, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing,China
  • Jianwei Gong Intelligent Vehicle Research Center, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing,China


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