

Research on Automatic Mapping Method of Geologic Column



The realization of the digital reservoir can greatly improve the information level of the petroleum corporation in hydrocarbon exploration and development, reduce risk and improve efficiency. Wells are the core object of digital reservoir management. Geologic column of drilling is the main carrier of multi-source information. Automatic mapping method and multi-source information fusion of geologic column have become a research hotspot of digital reservoir construction. This paper describes current situation of the domestic reservoir management and practical problem of geological maps digitizing. The thought and process of geologic column automatic mapping, which are based on spatial information technology, are submitted. The partition of information bar is settled on. The three-tier system architecture of automatic mapping system is established. With the support of XML technology, XSD is used to make the parameter template of geologic column automatic mapping and realize corresponding configuration wizard. UML is used to design the automatic mapping system. The lithological plate and geological symbols is coded to realize automatic mapping of corresponding drawing elements. The drawing methods of logging and petrophysical data are improved and the visualization of curve and numerical stick figure is achieved. The integration method of casting photos, core images and geologic column is submitted. For the secondary development technology of ArcGIS Engine, object-oriented program is adopted to realize automatic mapping of geologic ArcGIS Engine column. This paper provides a new way for the geologic column mapping during the process of digital reservoir construction.


 1. Introduction
 2. Workflow
 3. Dividing Scheme of Information Bar
 4. System Architecture
  4.1. Data Layer (DAL)
  4.2. Logic Layer (BLL)
  4.3. Presentation Layer (USL)
 5. Realization of Automatic Mapping
  5.1. Parameters Template Customization
  5.2. Design and Implementation of the Core Classes
  5.3. Automatic Mapping Process
 6. Application
 7. Conclusions


  • Shao YanLin School of Geosciences, Yangtze University Hubei, Wuhan, 430100, China
  • Shao YaXiong College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University Beijing, 100000, China
  • Xu XiaoHong School of Geosciences, Yangtze University Hubei, Wuhan, 430100, China
  • He ZhenMing School of Geosciences, Yangtze University Hubei, Wuhan, 430100, China
  • Li GongQuan School of Geosciences, Yangtze University Hubei, Wuhan, 430100, China


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