

A Policy Conflict Detecting Algorithm of RBAC Based on Concept Lattice Model



Access control policy conflict detecting is an important issue in the usage of information system. To solve the problem that the expression of existing common Role-Based Access Control(RBAC) policy conflict detecting is not intuitive and the corresponding algorithm is not efficient, meanwhile, we observed that the concept lattice model has natural advantages being a data representation method and is easy to be combined with RBAC. Thus, this paper introduce the concept lattice model into RBAC policy conflict detecting algorithm, aim at the problems of jurisdiction conflict, static role conflict, and user conflict, utilizing the sub lattice on the basis of use two formal contexts to denote user-role relation and role-permission relation respectively, we provide an intuitive and efficient detecting algorithm. Experimental result shows the efficient of our algorithm.


 1. Introduction
 2. Background
  2.1 Role-Based Access Control
  2.2 RBAC Security Constraint and Conflict
  2.3 Concept Lattice
 3. Policy Conflict Detecting Algorithm Based on Concept Lattice Model
  3.1. Concept Lattice Express RBAC
  3.2 Policy Conflict Analysis and Detecting Algorithm
 4. Conflict Detecting Algorithm
 4. Experimental Analysis
 5. Conclusion


  • Daojun Han Institute of Data and Knowledge Engineering, Henan University,
  • Lei Zhang Institute of Data and Knowledge Engineering, Henan University
  • Xiajiong Shen Institute of Data and Knowledge Engineering, Henan University
  • Peiyan Jia Institute of Data and Knowledge Engineering, Henan University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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