Everyday internet users are collecting huge data, and the challenge they now facing is how to convert the raw data inside the relational databases to meaningful information for them to take effective decisions based on what is going on now and to predict what will happen in the near future. Data Mining and Web Data Mining deal with the extraction of interesting knowledge from the World Wide Web, the main usage of Data Mining is to discover the trend of business development and make the right decisions. This paper innovate an intelligence platform by presenting a case study to improve future Feasibility Studies. In our case we combined a lot of Data Mining techniques and Web Mining methods to product an interactive platform that can help users to get there goals.
1. Introduction
2. Background Work
2.1. Data Mining
2.2. Web Mining
3. Proposed Work
3.1. User Layer
3.2. Preparing Layer
3.3. Mining Layer
3.4. Decision Layer
4. Model Application “Some Cases as an Example in This Section”
4.1. Case No. 1
4.2. Case No. 2
5. Conclusion