

신경계 재활의 전통적 중재와 대안적 중재 방법에 대한 문헌 고찰


Literature review of traditional and alternative interventions in neurorehabilitation

심재광, 최호석

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is a review conducted to provide an overview of the history of the past and contemporary rehabilitation methods for patient with damaged central nerves. Neurorehabilitation is a complex medical process which an aim to facilitate a recovery from a nervous system injury, and to minimize and/or compensate for functional impairments arising from it. By focusing on all aspects of a person's wellbeing, neurorehabilitation offers a series of therapies from the psychological to occupational, teaching or re-training the patients on mobility skills, communication processes, and other aspects of that person's daily routine. Current viewpoint represents a paradigm shift in clinical intervention, and clinicians have differently considered the details of intervention for the nervous and musculoskeletal impairments. Such concepts require to see the overall history of physical therapy, we interpreted the hidden meaning in the history of physical therapy. The current and future physical therapists will be to look at the patients as a comprehensive perspective. Medical instruments have continuously been developed. However, it may not be competed by senior physical therapists working for a long time in rehabilitation field. It’s probably useless to find only a way to treat a variety of patients with neurological impairments, representing optimal effects of rehabilitation, because definite answer to the therapy does not exist and their symptoms should be handled case-by-case. Thus, we need to take the advantages of functional evaluation, and they will be integrated into intervention.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 본론
  1. 신경계 재활의 전통적 중재의 변화
  2. 접근 관점에 따른 구분
  3. 접근 범위에 따른 구분
  4. 주요 신경계 치료 기법별 이전의 접근방법
  5. 주요 신경계 치료 접근들의 최근 개념 및 성향
  6. 직접적 접근의 신경계 치료들
  7. 기타 대안적 치료적 접근 방법들
  8. 최신 기술적 신경계 치료의 제한과 통합적치료 기법 접근의 제안
  9. 신경계 재활과 근골격계 재활
 Ⅲ. 결론


  • 심재광 Jae-kwang Shim. 대전대학교 일반대학원 물리치료학과
  • 최호석 Ho-suk Choi. 대전대학교 일반대학원 물리치료학과


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