Correlations Between Quadriceps Angle, Functional Leg Length Discrepancy and Lower Extremity Muscle Strength of Women University Students in Their Twenties
Background: This study aims to examine correlations between quadriceps angle, lower extremity muscle strength and leg length discrepancy. Methods: This study selected 96 healthy women university students as the subjects of research. Quadriceps angle, lower extremity muscle strength and leg length discrepancy were measured. The statistical analysis of the data SPSS/window (version 12.0) were analyzed using the pearson correlation analysis. Results: There were negative correlations between the muscle strength of the right hamstring muscles and the right quadriceps angle in supine and standing positions. Functional leg length discrepancy of left and right quadriceps angle in supine and standing position showed positive correlations. Conclusions: The quadriceps angle affect the knee. An abnormal angle caused weakening of balance. Muscle strength, leg length discrepancy, and affected lower extremity alignment and knee function. These conclusions may prevent exercise limitation or disorders in the subjects and treating the patients with knee injury or patellofemoral pain syndrome with basic therapy intervention.
I. 서론
II. 연구방법
1. 연구대상자
2.측정도구 및 방법
3. 자료분석
III. 결과
1. Q-angle과 하지 근력의 상관관계
2. Q-angle과 기능적 다리길이 차이의 상관관계
IV. 고찰
V. 결론