

Opening the Nation: Leveraging Open Data to Create New Business and Provide Services



The concept of open data together with the goals of e-government has made the establishment of an effective open data initiative one of the highest priorities of government organizations to date. This research investigates 28 open data use cases of South Korea as listed in its open data government portal. This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of open datasets utilization in a technologically-advanced and well-developed nation and hopefully provide some useful insights on how open data is currently being used, how it is opening up new business, and more importantly, how it is contributing to the civic society by providing services to the public. Most open data cases started with developers accessing open data from the government and then creating an application that will feature the open dataset or API. Next, there applications are offered to the public through the website or mobile application portals.


 Research Background
  1. Open Government Data
  2. Benefits of Open Data
 Sources of Evidence
 Preliminary Analysis of Sources


  • Ruth Angelie B. Cruz Department of Business Administration, Catholic University of Korea
  • Hong Joo Lee Department of Business Administration, Catholic University of Korea


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