To understand how word-of-mouth (WOM) on the Internet is generated and how it influences customer’s intention, there are growing researches on the eWOM(electronic WOM). In this paper, we apply sentimental analysis approach to eWOM in movie industry in order to understand how sentiment attributes of e-WOM affect the box office performance. We use a dataset collected from IMDB.COM consisting of revenue, user ratings and user reviews, and analyze using the Naive Bayesian Classifier method. In addition, the positiveness/negativeness of opinion in message-board is added as a significant input variable which is a difference from previous movie performance prediction researches. We find it impacts on movies sales, and proposed method can improve the prediction accuracy. The results in the paper can be applied to movie marketing planning, and have managerial implications for market managers in movie industry.
1. 서론
2. 문헌 연구
2.1 eWOM
2.2 감성분석
3. 데이터 분석과 결과
3.1 데이터
3.2 변수
3.3 모델 및 결과
4. 결론